A 10-day retreat to dive into the depth of you. Strip yourself bare, take off what you don’t need.
Let go and liberate. Are you ready to breathe life back into your very being?
This is not just about taking our clothes off. Can we get naked in our words, actions, feelings and thoughts?
NAKED is a 10-day transformational retreat, taking you on a playful, pleasurable, emotional & spiritual journey into your NAKED wholeness. Combining breath, movement, sound, spontaneity, meditation, transparent communication, radical intimacy, and delicious nutritious food to fuel the adventure within.
Because we want you to be free. But not just for the sake of liberation. We know that your creative potential grows exponentially when you tap into your true self. The energy that is freed when you no longer need to protect yourself from something that does not exist (aka Mr. F.E.A.R. – False Evidence Appearing Real) will quite naturally pour itself into service on a deeper level – to yourself and everything around you.
NAKED – The Retreat is not just another retreat. It’s a playground of exploration.
It’s the soil where we cultivate the seeds that birth the emergence of a new human being.
A growing tribe of liberated hearts & minds who risk to express themselves in their entirety.
A tsunami of courageous beings daring to be great.
We invite you to realise that all the drama and pain we see on the outside is self created and when we identify with our pain as who we are, we prevent our potential from flowering. The greatest threat to humanity is the belief that someone else will save us. It is about time we realise our universal duty lies within our individual sovereign responsibility. The purpose of life is to express our gifts! And this is where NAKED opens the doors to your ultimate freedom which ignites the illumination of your unique divine self.
You are ready to breathe silence into the noise
You are ready to unclothe your words
You are ready to get NAKED
You believe in the GIFT of giving
You are ready to dance away fears
You are ready to shake out your anger
You are ready to belly laugh your way out of life’s dramas
You want to love like you’ve never loved before
This playground is truly a sacred, brave space of exploration, an inquiry, an invitation to show up in the moment and allow what wants to be expressed. With that as our focus, we also strip away the fixed program structure. That’s not to say there isn’t any structure at all. We have an intention with specific guidance to set the space while holding a flexible structure so as not to pre-plan everything in advance.
We have an array of practices, tools, rituals, and games to bring to this playground. We trust in the co-facilitation and the unique constellation that will create the group field. We know the exact tools and guidance required will present themselves moment to moment throughout the 10 days. And we are prepared for that. To listen and trust, to be in the void, the unknown, the present moment and see what wants to arise within the space between us.
Some of the practices, methods and techniques of exploration we have used in past retreats are:
- Daily journaling (learning how to communicate nakedly with ourselves)
- Emotional release tools (enabling us to become energy alchemists and feel what we need to feel)
- Bodywork, consensual touch, somatic practices
- Radical Intimacy (Into-me-I-see)
- Movement and freedom of expression to open up our bodies and mind to create space within; Yoga, Qigong, Ecstatic Dance
- Intentional breathing practices that help unlock suppressed emotions
- Sacred Sexuality practices
- Communication practices that transform the way we relate with others (transparent communication, way of council, sharing circles, mirroring)
- Playfulness, improvisation, spontaneity
- Active, guided, walking and silent meditations
- Homemade gourmet vegan meals, using local vegetables
We Have Come To Be Naked
We have come to be naked
not the porn saturated, twerk your bum way of naked
but the strip your words down to their slowest, fleshy truth kind of naked
the stand in the middle of the world and beYOUtiful kind of naked
the wash off the layers of dirt that you’ve plastered onto your skin kind of naked
the hunt your most fleeting truth until you fall onto your knees kind of naked
the breakneck smear your heart’s desire on all walls kind of naked

We have come to be naked
not the look at me, look at me, take me now way of naked
but the I see you, I am here,
the offer your burning heart in the branded palms of your hands kind of naked
the I do it again, although it hurt so much the last time kind of naked
the scream your anger into the clouds and out of your body
and the shake away the quiver of your nervous, cold feeted soul kind of naked
the stand in the puddle of your tears and laugh kind of naked
We have come to be naked
not the timid, squat in the dark or hide under the covers kind of naked
but the here I am in the brightest light of day kind of naked
the silent sit with your thoughts
the daring look your shadow in the nonexisting eyes and realize that you are ONE kind of naked
the unleashed, untold wild animal that runs through the forest and the rain kind of naked
the mother may I?
yes, you may jump in the cold waters with your clothes on kind of naked

We have come to be naked
in the sacred temples of our bodies
to conquer back the vast country of our innocent hearts
to take our breath back into the beat of life’s longing for itself
to race in the infinity of the field beyond right and wrong
to live in the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible
to play and cry, to laugh and fly
in the kingdoms of our skins
to unwrap what we hold within
We have come to be naked