It is our dream to create a conscious regenerative commUNITY, or what Simon likes to call a Sanctuary of LOVE. A haven where those who have forgotten their magic can take refuge and ignite their life force again. This vision is one of the core elements of NAKED. It is already happening online and through offline events, the next stage is to land a temple space where these foundations can take greater root.
We love co-creating opportunities for all to practice presence, radical intimacy, transparency, authenticity, and self love. The deep validation that occurs when we fully connect with an open heart to a circle of similarly committed brothers and sisters is simply profound. Nothing has surpassed this experience yet. Real loving connections meeting authentically in the depths of our shadows as we witness the sparkle of aliveness rising from within.
We now have 150+ courageous souls in this growing commUNITY with which many who have become great friends that connect on and offline.
It was our intention that every two years the NAKEDeer family would co-create gatherings for those of the tribe who feel like reuniting and nurturing the bonds. This would be another experience of community living with more group co-creation where we deepen the practices, friendships and connections. Inviting the infinite potential of co-creation, collaboration and support.
Our hearts are touched when NAKEDeers reunite after the retreat. And not just with the souls who were on the same retreat, but with other NAKEDeers who have been on different retreats. This is not just an idea or concept. We are a real commUNITY and the support and relationships forming are truly beautiful to witness.
When a group of like-minded courageous beings come together, there is no telling what will be birthed. We are just enjoying the alchemy unfolding. And what’s presenting itself is our contribution to the more beautiful world our hearts know is here right NOW.
Here are a few images of fellow NAKEDeers reuniting after retreat.