/ˈneɪkɪˈdɪə/ noun

  1. A member of the global community of courageous hearts who have attended a NAKED retreat or two…or three!
  2. A love warrior with a mission to strip away all that is not real.
  3. A hunter for transparency in every moment.
  4. Someone who is ready to throw the need to be perfect overboard and sink into a deep acceptance of what is.
  5. An alchemist who transforms vulnerability into strength.

Queen Laura

“I attended NAKED The Retreat 2019 and describing this experience with words feels like trying to push an ocean into a shotglass. What feels closest would be something like “…grounding transcendence in the depths of reality”(Jeff Brown)
Dara and Simon created a container, a space for transformation of a quality that you wouldn’t believe is possible to experience in just 7 days. It felt time-bending and hypnotizing and confronted me with the clearest most unfiltered truths of my existence. I felt carried and guided through the days. No space for autopilot and irrelevant superficialties. Purity, rawness, laughter, tears, wildness, unconditional, radical softness and infinite love. Being with fear, moving through shame, witnessing doubt, dancing with sadness, freeing the buried rage. It was a wild ride beyond comfort and confidence, bringing forth the gift that lies outside of the familiar zone. I can call the connections I made here true, loving friendships. Weeks after I still feel held by my extended family. I am so grateful for this unique experience and can only recommend it to anyone who wants to feel loved and wants to remember what they are here for.”​

Queen Aurika

“I feel so empowered after this week to be more in control of my life – NAKED gave me the tools that will help me live a life that resonates with my heart, a life in which I can deeply and authentically connect to others! Oh, and my new beloved family, my adorable new 13 sisters and brothers! You all helped me with your unconditional love to mirror my weaknesses and help me to turn them into strengths. I truly feel this is a new beginning of a more authentic life in which I have the COURAGE to share the GIFT of FULL TRANSPARENCY with myself and the rest of the world. Transparent communication will be my path to a happier existence.”​

King Mike

“NAKED. So much fantasy about it. And yet nothing is more concrete than being naked. Nothing to imagine: it’s all staring you in the face. That was my experience of NAKED. I arrived at the Dominican Republic where it was 28 degrees Celsius. And yet, internally, I realised I was still ‘dressed up’ for the Arctic cold, with layer upon layer of protection to stop me from seeing my own nakedness: for fear of being ashamed of it, disgusted, judgemental. The exercises facilitated by Dara and Simon were challenging but they helped unzip the clothes. However, I had to be the one to decide to take them off. I was not stripped. I was allowed to and invited to undress. Such a big difference. The difference between safety and abuse. It is not about being stripped to the bone. I got to keep my muscles and flesh, because that is me, that is the actual me that interacts with others and with myself. And it is so freeing to be able to see myself with all that I am, not dissected – literally and figuratively – by my underwear which hides away what is deemed shameful or offensive. Instead, I had a whole body, a whole self. It is that wholeness that allowed for the emotions to finally manage to come through. And finally, being naked in all sense with others is what contributes to the healing gaze. It is the being seen by the others in the group that allowed me to also see myself as good and beautiful. So thanks to all of you who made naked my best suit.”

King Willem

“Struggling in my life with not coming out fully, at the outside everything okay, but still this feeling I hadn’t unpacked my real self, holding back on something in relationships with others and toward myself. I didn’t dare to be really open. This feeling was also mixed up with not feeling satisfied with what life brought me every day therefore I was yearning for more attention, more sexual pleasure, more challenges, more from others and myself.

And then, Google drew my attention towards NAKED. The words about stripping off and being totally naked, physically, emotionally and mentally – those words touched me deeply.

After two weeks of hesitation I decided to apply. Since then a journey of mining and gold digging started towards the real Willem, my soul, my vulnerable part, the part that I didn’t dare to come true for. What I was dying for started to be revealed in a totally unexpected way. I possessed the key already and what Naked The Retreat did was helping me to strip off all the counterproductive thoughts and feelings, to shake them out, to flush them away. It’s awesome to experience how the love and truth that we shared with each other has helped me to find the key and to unlock my inner self!

I am familiar with the theological concept of rebirth; wow man, this was a real rebirth, discovering and showing the Willem I have always been. I can’t recommend you a better way to stop sabotaging your life and to start fully living who you really are, a love giving and love receiving being!”​

King Sam

“Getting naked is not about becoming something, but revealing the truth about what we already are and always have been. The retreat took me on a journey to myself – accepting and giving space to all my emotions and attributes. And it’s all about self-love. Simon, Dara and Lu had the unbelievable love and courage to gift this experience to me. It almost sounds stupid to say that this was the time of my life, but in fact I’m more myself than ever before. More love, more joy, more freedom and independence. I’m inviting everybody to accept this gift of life that was given to you by birth and start living your truth. Now.”​

Queen Nicky

“I’ve been trying to put down in words my experience of Naked but it kept sounding too ‘flowery’ and although I have an airy-fairy side to me as well, I just want to say this straight up: Naked changed my life, for the better.

My first Naked retreat in 2017 (which I came to know about due to contacts made at a festival in Malta where I was cooking pizzas!) led me onto other Naked retreats and gatherings as well as meet-ups and reunions. Needless to say, I love what these experiences offer! Trying to actually describe them though is like trying to explain a dream…!

Naked gave me that leap of evolution to a place (within myself) closer to where I want to be. Thus, positively changing my external world along with it. Understanding and loving myself and others better. Reviving my joy. Facing shadow sides and dropping false beliefs and learnt conditionings. Healing. Creating a new reality. It’s work…and it’s play. It’s not like a therapy session or taking some prescribed pills. This is another level of self-developing transformation and has become part of my every day. The active community is alive and present and full of beings that inspire me. So I’ll keep showing up as best I can.”

Queen Alice

“Naked the Retreat is the place to be if you’d like to get to know and open up to your true, authentic self. It is a soul-warming, heart opening experience and makes you indulge in the feeling of freedom. I have spend one of the most beautiful weeks of my life with the international group of the Naked tribe. My heart is still filled with the love that I felt that week and I am constantly spreading the good vibrations back home. Dara and Simon are simply amazing. Naked is a creation of their love, wisdom and honesty.”

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